Quote of the Day

Jim Bunning:

In his latest call with scribes earlier Tuesday, Bunning again didn’t disappoint. While acknowledging that he has conducted polling on his prospects for winning a third term, the irascible Kentucky Republican refused to reveal the results.

“It’s none of your goddamned business,” Bunning told reporters. “If you paid the 20 grand for the poll, you can get some information out of it.”

21 thoughts on “Quote of the Day”

  1. and maybe close to what I would say. But I’m not a sitting Senator who needs media love. . .

  2. Usually most of the trainwrecks on the GOP side tend to be women for some reason (Bachmann, Musgrave, Schmidt) but he has given all of them a run for their money.

    He is certainly making the off-season dramariffic!

  3. If he had responded by saying “You know guys, the margin of error is 7%, and the race is so far away, so I’d better keep the numbers on the down low..” I would have been disappointed.

    I wonder if the “goddamned” comment will rally the conservative, evangelical voters at all.  Crazier things have happened…

  4. He is hilarious! Even if he is somehow reelected, at least he’ll still provide some comic relief.

    I really think that he’s toast though, either in the primary, or if he survives that, in November against Dan Mongiardo.

  5. One of the classic lines from the movie Patton was a reporter asking “General, do you read your Bible?” With Patton’s answer, “Every damned day.”  

    If a movie is made about Bunning, we can get Jack Nicholson to play the role.  He can play genial crazy (“As Good As it Gets”) or dangerous crazy (“A Few Good Men”).

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